Pastor Andrew’s Reflections on Chapter Four

So far in our Summer Study we have considered The Covenant of Redemption (chapter one), The Basis of Union with Christ (chapter two), and The Nature of Union with Christ (chapter three). This past week we have read chapter four, The Act of Union with Christ.

In this chapter, Yuille presents Flavel’s thoughts on where the rubber meets the road in the believer’s mystical union with Christ. The framework that is given is crucial and perhaps the best thing that I can do for our reflection this week is map out what that framework is.

That framework is as follows:

1.         Christ takes hold of us by his Spirit

a. Man by creation is beautifully and righteously made in the image of God.

i. Understanding – clear and pure, knowing only the goodness and beauty of God, free of the knowledge of evil.

ii. Will – happily submitted to and in accord with God’s will.

1. The first excellency of the will is freedom, meaning it cannot be compelled or forced.

2. The second excellency of the will is dominion, meaning it has absolute command over the body and persuasive command over the passions.

iii. Affections – satisfied and delighted in his Creator, without competition, hating that which is evil and loving that which is good.

b. Man by degeneration is disordered and broken, the image of God in him marred by sin.

i. Understanding – darkened and corrupted, preferring darkness to light, deceived and blind.

ii. Will – happily submitted to and in accord with God’s will.

  1. Though retaining freedom of choice in our actions, the will is captive to a sinful way of performing them.

  2. The dominion of the will in its command over the body and passions is controlled by wickedness rather than righteousness.

iii. Affections – prefer evil to good, loving the creation rather than the creator, and hating that which is good while loving that which is evil.

c. Man by regeneration is set right again by grace, restored and rectified.

i. Understanding – where once darkened it is now illumined by the Holy Spirit.

ii. Will – embracing of Jesus Christ by the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

1. Returned to true freedom in Christ Jesus and captive to do and to will of God’s good pleasure.

2. Dominion of the will in its command over the body and passions are dominated by the joy of serving Christ and walking worthy of his call to submission and obedience.

iii. Affections – returned to a place of tenderness and renewed in their preference of good over evil.

2. We take hold of Christ by our Faith, which has five ingredients:

a. As acts of understanding

i. (1) Knowledge – we must understand the truth concerning Christ as revealed in the gospel.

ii. (2) Assent – we must agree with that truth.

b. As an act of affections

i.  (3) Approbation – we must esteem Christ as “the most excellent, suitable, and complete remedy for all our wants, sins, and dangers, that ever could be prepared by the wisdom and love of God for us.”

c. As acts of the will

i. (4) Consent – we must receive Christ.

 ii. (5) Acceptance – we must accept the “terms upon which Christ is tendered to us in the gospel.”

Brothers and sisters, take great joy in the work that God has done through Jesus Christ in bringing you from death to life, from rebellion to rightful allegiance, from darkness to light, and from being enemies of God to being Sons and heirs of the promise. It is God who has done it and it is marvelous in our eyes!

Pastor Andrew


Pastor Andrew’s Reflections on Chapter Five and Six


Paster Andrew’s Reflections on Chapter Three