December 10, 2023
Sunday Worship
The past two weeks we have taken a closer look at the doctrines of the two natures of Jesus Christ and the two wills of Jesus Christ. As we continue looking at the doctrines of Incarnation and Redemption, we will be considering the Immutability (a fancy word for meaning “unable to change”) of Jesus Christ. How is it that the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, became flesh and yet did not at any point change?
We will be looking at a variety of verses with Hebrews 13:8 as the anchor, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” My challenge for you between now and Sunday is to find as many passages as you can that speak to the changelessness of God.
Sunday School
Our study of Exodus has proven to be an interesting and rich examination of the beauty of God’s Word and works as he reveals his master plan of redemption. We have looked closely at the internal and external structure of the Tabernacle, along with its various trappings and consecrated items.
This coming Sunday we are going to be in chapter 28 of Exodus, which gives great detail on the garments the priests of Yahweh were required to wear as they served. Be sure to read the whole chapter in all of it’s detail!