November 26, 2023

Sunday Worship

Pastor Andrew here! What a joy it is to be back. I am so very grateful for the time of rejuvenation that all of you have afforded me and have deeply missed studying God’s Word with all of you. I am grateful that you have been in good and faithful hands in my absence and pray the Lord continues the good work in your hearts and minds as we progress through our sermon series, The Word Made Flesh.

This coming Sunday we will be building on the foundation of our study of the threefold office of Christ (Prophet, Priest, King) and beginning a closer look at the Doctrine of the Incarnation proper. There are many parts and pieces to this doctrine, but central to them all is the truth that Jesus Christ, the Second person of our Triune Godhead, became flesh and dwelt among his people. This is a mystery beyond our grasp in many ways. But there are many things that we do know. We know that Scripture teaches that Jesus is fully God. In no way shape or form did Jesus cease to possess his divinity, eternality, and unity with the Godhead. We also know that Jesus is fully man, that is, human. He took on the fullness of humanity – sans original sin – and lived in all of the weakness and difficulty to which mankind is subjected. Yet, he did this without sin. As such, it is not only appropriate, but it is possible, that this perfect God-Man could be the Savior of Sinners, the Lover of our Souls, and the King of all Creation. Spend some time reading John 1 this week. While you’re at it, look up Westminster Larger Catechism questions 36-53.

Sunday School

We are continuing in our study of Exodus! Specifically, as we have examined the first part of Yahweh’s divinely ordained method of worship, we will continue this study as we look at the Tabernacle in Exodus 26. Be sure to read ahead – you don’t want to miss any details or forget to ask any questions!


December 10, 2023


October 15, 2023