October 15, 2023
We are approaching our fourth week in our series on Redemption and Incarnation. We have considered God’s Eternal Decree, God’s work of Creation, and how it is that mankind is made in the Image of God. We have one final topic in this first part of our four-part series. “A four-part series?” you may ask. Yes! Part one, CREATION, has been our focus these past three weeks and will conclude this coming Sunday. Part two, the FALL, will be covered on October 22nd. We will then embark on a study of the marvelous work of God’s grace in part three of our series (you guessed it), REDEMPTION! Finally, we will cap things off by looking at the GLORIFICATION and considering what it means to be united to Christ and covered in his righteousness.
The genesis of this thought is what we will consider on Sunday – Christ’s righteousness and mankind’s required obedience. As we finish out part one, Creation, we will consider what it was for which man was created. In a word (or two): Obedient Worship. Worship and obedience are two things that can never be extricated from one another. They must always be together. Mankind was created to worship God and God alone. This worship must be done in accordance with his prescriptions. This is obedience. What is the standard of obedience to maintain a relationship of worship with God? Perfect obedience. So do we have hope? YES! And his name is Jesus Christ!
Read Romans 3-5 in preparation for worship this Sunday.
Sunday School
Last week we took a very brief look at Exodus 20 and the Ten Commandments. This coming week we will be looking at a much less familiar portion of the Mosaic Law – Case Law. Beginning in Exodus 21, God gives prescriptions, guidelines, and boundaries for the way in which the people of Israel go about their lives in the land. Read through Exodus 20 and 21 as you prepare for Sunday School this week!