April 3, 2022
Sunday School
For the last three weeks, we have studied 'the order of salvation.' We have seen looked at each part of God's work of salvation, from His decrees to glorification. The next question we need to ask is, where does the gospel of Jesus Christ fall in the order of salvation? What is the geography of the gospel? Is the gospel God's election? Regeneration? Justification by faith alone? This coming Sunday we will consider the doctrine of Union with Christ, which shows that the gospel is Jesus Christ. A believer's union with Christ is the design of God's gospel. Only in Christ is our salvation. And from Him, we receive every spiritual blessing that we have studied in the order of salvation (Eph.1:3).
Sunday Worship
As we saw in the first sermon in our Easter Prep series, Preparing for the King, there is a call to all believers to be ready at all times for the return of Christ and to pursue faithful stewardship (Matthew 25:1-30). This coming Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus describes the final judgment in the form of a parable. In this description, there are sheep and there are goats. The sheep are those who have submitted themselves to the call of the Gospel and the goats are those who have rejected the same call. The state of salvation for each of these groups is evidenced by their actions toward “the least of these.” That is, how they served or didn’t serve others was reflective of the work of salvation, or lack thereof, in their hearts. Read through these verses and meditate on them as you prepare for Sunday worship.