March 27, 2022
Sunday School
As we have been for the last two weeks, we will be taking a final(?) look at the Ordo Salutis during our Sunday School hour. We have already discussed, albeit briefly, the Decrees of God, Predestination, Election, the Outward Call, Regeneration (or inward call), Saving Faith, Repentance, and Justification. On the docket for examination this coming Sunday are Adoption, Sanctification, and Glorification.
Sunday Worship
Many of us have grown up recognizing the season of Advent as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and rejoice in the first arrival of Jesus in his incarnation. Very few if any of us, however, have spent much as much time in preparation for Easter Sunday. I have often wondered why that is. While there are many historic and traditional reasons for this, I don’t suppose it would be altogether profitable to go into them here. Nonetheless, preparing our hearts to rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something that we have chosen to do here at DRPC. There is certainly opportunity for Advent, Christmas, and Easter to become more than it should be – a manmade event that burdens the conscience where Scripture does not – but there is also opportunity for us to approach this season rightly. This coming Sunday we will begin our Easter prep series, Preparing for the King, by looking at Matthew 25:1-30. In these two parables, Jesus delivers the clear teaching that he calls everyone to be ready for his return. In this life, we have all been entrusted with various gifts, talents, resources, and more. The question is, are you faithfully stewarding all of these things in such a way that you are always ready for Christ’s return?