February 6th, 2022
Sunday School:
As we have spent a number of Sundays school hours looking at the doctrine of God, we are now going to move into a section of teaching looking at how God interacts with his people. We hold that God interacts with his people through covenants that are initiated by him and wherein he requires obedience to the stipulations of sovereignty. As a beginning place to looking at Covenant Theology, we will be considering God as Creator and Sovereign. Spend some time reading in Genesis 1 and Exodus 19-20 in preparation!
How do you know when you have flat tire? Sometimes you see it. Sometimes you feel it. Sometimes others point it out to you. How do you know you are sick? You have symptoms – runny nose, cough, fever, etc. These are negative things, but we recognize positive things in much the same way – the evidence or symptoms that indicate their presence and reality. So here’s the real question I want you to consider as we prepare for worship on Sunday. How do you know you have wisdom? Proverbs 3:13-35 provide for us an answer to this question and instruction in how to further obtain wisdom.