February 13th, 2022
Sunday School
This past Sunday we took our initial look at what Covenant Theology is and how we interact with it. You will remember that Covenant Theology is an entire structure of interpretation, through which we understand all of Scripture. All through the Bible it is evident that God interacts with his people through covenants – a kind of contract that contains requirements, privileges, terms, and promises. The First Covenant was the Covenant of Redemption, made before time began. The next was the Covenant of Works, which Adam failed to keep. This coming Sunday we will be looking at the major Covenants of Grace in the Old Testament. They include the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic Covenants.
Sunday Worship
Last Sunday we considered the Evidence of Wisdom as described by Proverbs 3:13-35. This coming Sunday we will be considering the Value of Wisdom as described by a wise father as he speaks to his son. In this fourth chapter of Proverbs we read the words of a father who is instructing, even imploring, his son to pursue and obtain Wisdom. Wisdom is held up as the ultimate item of value and whatever we get in life, we must get wisdom and understanding (v. 7). The benefits of receiving this inherited Wisdom are described, as are the detriments if it is refused. How high does Wisdom rank on your list of pursuits? Is it the pearl of great price that Jesus tells us about in Matthew 13? The hidden treasure? Would you sell everything that you have to obtain Jesus, the Wisdom of God?